第二十二回 常識の定義


































Episode 22. A definition of common sense.

27 February. 2021


At that time, extending the salmon roe business was the company project, so I strengthened sales of Hokkaido salmon and imported salmon.

Now, I’d like to share details of the business trip to Alaska that was my turning point.


In July 2016, I entered Anchorage, the central city of Alaska, from Seattle.

I transferred to a domestic flight and arrived at King Salmon Airport in Bristol Bay three hours later.

This business trip’s purpose was understanding salmon deeply by inspecting the producing area and considering a good policy for our salmon roe business in the future.

Speaking of salmon roe in Japan, I think there are many people who imagine it all comes from Hokkaido or Sanriku, but there are lots of salmon from Alaska, Canada, Russia, and Europe (Denmark, Norway, Finland) going around according to price or fishing trends.

Alaska is the main origin of salmon roe abroad and the catch levels there will relate to the Japanese market price.


During the inspection of the production area, there were many things I felt, many things I recognized, and many things I saw.

First of all, Alaskan fishermen don’t bring ice to their boats because many fishermen use small boats.

In Japan, we catch fish on the assumption of “Sashimi grade fish”; we bring ice and treat fish with it after catching them to keep their freshness.

However, in North American culture, people bake their fish and do not eat fish raw, so the way they think is that fish won’t spoil as long as it is 5 – 10 degree outside.

Of course, in recent years, people in North America have started to eat Sashimi and raw salmon roe through the spreading of Japanese food culture, so each culture is gradually mixing but I feel the raw food culture and the non-raw food culture have never mixed 100% like rice and bread.


Second, as is well known in the seafood industry, Japanese products have a consistent quality that set a standard other countries do not often meet. Consider Japanese salmon roe harvested from the Hokkaido or Sanriku areas.

They go fishing in the early morning and come back by around lunch time. The salmon roe caught that morning are processed into products that same day.

How does the international equivalent compare?

First, we need to think about how big the country is.

With such vast distances, it’s no wonder there are several hundred km between the catching place and the processing factory, and fish boxes which contain fish that were not filled with ice when they landed, are transported several tens of hours.

It makes for day-long gaps like this and it creates a big difference in a product’s quality.


As I went to several tens of production areas by car and Cessna, many things became clear.

I also felt that most of the companies have a management policy where catching salmon species = main profits from the salmon business, and they didn’t look at ecosystem diversity.

If there is salmon, of course there are other fish in the sea. Can I do something interesting?

I felt a business opportunity.

I was so excited.